JUG Meeting#82: After 8: Sweet New Features in the JDK

Posted by Lucio Benfante Tue, 14 Jan 2020 05:52:00 GMT

Quando: venerdì 31 Gennaio 2020 ore 18:30

Dove: Finantix – Via della Pila, 13 – 30175 Marghera (VE) dietro la stazione dei treni

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18:15 Accoglienza

18:30 After 8: Sweet New Features in the JDK – a cura di Simon Ritter, Azul

20:00 Fine meeting

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After 8: Sweet New Features in the JDK

Five releases of Java in two years! Yes,the new fast cadence for the OpenJDK does work. Despite the short development cycle the rate of change of Java is faster that it was before.In this session we’ll take a look at the rapid evolution of the Java platform with the introduction of new features in each of the recent releases:

  • JDK 9: Java Platform Module System
  • JDK 10: Local variable type inference
  • JDK 11: JDK Flight Recorder
  • JDK 12: Switch expressions
  • JDK 13: Text bocks
  • JDK 14: Records and pattern matching

We’ll also cover many of the smaller features that will make your life as a developer easier.

What might future JDKs include? To answer that question, we’ll explore some of the longer-term plans for Java, like project Amber, Loom and Valhalla.


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Al termine del meeting andremo tutti assieme a mangiare la pizza :-P

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