JUG Meeting#65: Groovy & Grails - Google Go - Assemblea Annuale

Posted by Tarin Gamberini Sat, 21 Jun 2014 03:14:00 GMT

Quando: sabato 28 giugno 2014 dalle 9 alle 12:30

Dove: Talent Garden Padova – Via della Croce Rossa, 36 – 35129 Padova – guarda la mappa


  • 9:00 Accoglienza
  • 9:15 Groovy 2.3 e grails 2.4, a cura di Paolo Foletto
  • 10:15 while( coffee ) break;
  • 10:30 Google Go: una introduzione con esempi di applicazione, a cura di Enrico Mezzato
  • 11:30 Assemblea annuale, a cura del Presidente Lucio Benfante
  • 12:30 Fine meeting

Groovy 2.3 and Grails 2.4

Grails is an Open Source, full stack, web application framework for the JVM. It takes advantage of the Groovy programming language and convention over configuration to provide a productive and streamlined development experience.

Google Go

In 2007 Rob Pike, Ken Thompson (one of the Unix fathers) and Robert Griesemer decided to design a new software language for Google, which had the benefits of statically-typed language like C++/Java and yet maintained the simplicity of dynamic languages like Ruby, Python, JavaScript.

This is how Go was born, it has been used since 2010 in production at Google and has been adopted by several large-scale projects like YouTube.

Some features:
  • simple
  • statically-typed like C++/Java
  • light-weight
  • fast
  • scales well
  • runs on FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
  • well suited to networking and multiprocessing

This talk will touch on the main features of Go and will show some running examples.

Ulteriori informazioni


La partecipazione รจ, come sempre, libera e gratuita.

Al termine del meeting andremo tutti assieme a mangiare una pizza.

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