JUG Meeting#54: assemblea annuale
Posted by Tarin Gamberini Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:34:00 GMT
JUG Meeting#54: assemblea annuale
Quando: sabato 24 aprile 2010 dalle 9:00 alle 12:30
Dove: Aula Ee – primo piano del DEI, via Gradenigo 6/B (ingresso studenti), Padova
Programma: | |
09:00 | Accoglienza. |
09:15 | “Assemblea annuale dell’associazione JUG Padova”. |
10:15 | Pausa caffè. |
10:30 | Varie ed eventuali. Organizzazione prossime attività. |
12:30 | Fine meeting. |
Ulteriori informazioni su jugevents.
- è d’aiuto agli organizzatori del meeting;
- vi inserisce in una lista per un’eventuale estrazione a premi.
La partecipazione e l’iscrizione sono, come sempre, libere e gratuite.
Al termine del meeting andremo tutti assieme a mangiare una pizza.
Vi aspettiamo!
End of meeting already?
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Your Contemporary Business Economics assignment delves into the economic forces shaping today’s business landscape. Expect to analyze core concepts like supply and demand, exploring how they influence pricing, production, and consumer behavior. You might delve into market structures, understanding how competition (or lack thereof) impacts a firm’s decisions. The assignment could also explore how economic factors like inflation, interest rates, and global trends affect businesses. By mastering these concepts, you’ll gain the economic lens needed to make informed business decisions in a dynamic world.